Walk for Water 2010 Sunday 28th February
Places are still open for Walk for Water 2010. There's still time to register if you plan to take part. Download an entry form here and join us.
If you have entered already, the final instructions for the day are here.

To add your donation to WaterAid, please go to the JustGiving page here.

We invite everyone to walk (fast powerwalkers or slower strollers) or run a distance of either 8.5 or 13.1 miles, starting from the Culcheth Sports and Social Club ("The Daten") at 11am.

The event entry fee is £10, most of which will go
directly to WaterAid with a smaller proportion being used to help cover the cost of running the event,.
You will also be given a sponsor form for you to raise as much money as you can from family, friends and colleagues.

You can download your entry form here!

pic of Walkers preparing in 2009
Walkers ready to go in 2009

To find out more about WaterAid, please click on the link in the menu to the right.               .
Over the last 3 years, Walk for Water has raised thousands of pounds for WaterAid.
Please e-mail if you need more details.
Email: walkforwater@f2s.com

Marshals thanks for volenteering. Instructions for the day are here.

We also need volunteers to help to run the event...
If you can't do the walk, we also need people to volunteer to marshal the course so that all our walkers are kept safely on route. If you or one of your family or friends can offer some time on the day, please get in touch.